Friday, October 28, 2016

SOARing Assembly

S= Self Control
O= Outstanding Effort
A= Acts of Kindness
R= Respect
Ask your child about our fun all-school assembly today.  Ask them to tell you about Self Control and Outstanding Effort.
The entire Francis Wyman community got together this morning.
Third graders

Special visitor, Steve Nugent, talking about Self Control.

Francis Wyman's karate students showing self control and listening.

The Soar Squad explaining Outstanding Effort.

Francis Wyman Falcon

Suhanna representing 216 in the relay

Great Job Suhanna!

The final product from the relay race.  Team 5 won (far right.)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Upcoming Events

Here is  list of upcoming dates and events.
Friday October 28th- Francis Wyman Pride Day- Wear your Falcon pride- Blue and White
Monday October 31st- Halloween Parade- 9:00am- Students can wear or bring their costume to school.  Also, bring a flashlight and an extra snack for a celebration.  We will read under the covers, do some crafts, and maybe watch a movie too.
Tuesday November 8th- Election Day- NO SCHOOL
Thursday November 10th- Teacher Professional Development- NO SCHOOL
Friday November 11th- Veteran's Day- NO SCHOOL
Monday November 14th- Scholastic Orders due (online code HKHLP)
Wednesday November 16th- Plymouth Plantation Field Trip- Look for permission slip soon!
Thursday November 17th -8:40-9:10 3rd Grade Chorus and Violin Thanksgiving Concert

Friday, October 21, 2016

Bus Safety

Today we had our annual bus safety lesson to remind students of appropriate behavior at the bus stop, on the bus, and in case of emergency.  Officer Schipelliti spoke to the students as well as some bus drivers.  Please remind your child or ask them to tell you what important safety rules were discussed today.
Officer Schipelliti reminding third graders of the rules and safety tips.
Students practicing bus behavior.
We all exited the back of the bus just like it were a real emergency.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

New Dictionaries!

We would like to thank the Burlington Rotary Club for coming to visit the third grade classes today.  They donate new dictionaries to 3rd graders every year.  Each student will be coming home today with their own student dictionary.  Included in the back are some great resources as well.
  Please have your child keep his or her dictionary in a safe spot so it could be used for homework or studying.  We are working on dictionary skills in school as well, so feel free to give them some fun words to try to find.  Today they had to find hero, charity, services, and community: all words describing the wonderful things the rotary club does for Burlington.
Members of the Rotary Club

Mrs. Healey waking us up this morning!

Trying to find the word "hero."

Checking out the back resources.

Thank You Rotary Club!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Burlington Field Trip

 We had a beautiful day for our field trip Friday!  The class was so respectful and well behaved.  We learned a lot of interesting stories of Burlington's history.  Hopefully you get a chance to talk with your child about some of the things we learned.
Our class's first field trip!
Our first stop.. The Old Burial Ground
Mrs. Fay from the Burlington Historical Committee giving us some interesting facts.
Scavenger hunt
Trying to find the oldest person

Second stop... Grandview Farm/ Marion Tavern
Mrs. Horton welcoming us to Marion Tavern
Learning about the fireplaces used to cook and keep warm.

Group photo

Third stop... Historical Museum

Mr. Coppola welcoming us to the museum.
Learning about the murals
Listening so well!

We got to see artifacts and tools used in the past.
Lunch at Simonds:)
Third Stop... Old West School
Sitting at desks in the Old West School
Learning all the rules for teachers of the school
Playing with toys from the past
Last stop... Francis Wyman House

Discussing the mysterious rock wall outside the Francis Wyman House
Looking at hidden fireplaces and fire damage
The Francis Wyman House

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Burlington Maps

Our Burlington maps our complete just in time to take our tour of historic Burlington landmarks.  They came out great and the students are extremely proud of their finished product.  We are so proud, that we want to hang them in the hallway for all of FW to see.  Here are each of the kids with their map so you can get a sneak peek since they won't be coming home right away.
Don't forget, our field trip is Friday!
Jonathan, "The best part about my map is the rivers."

Suhaana, "The best thing about my map is the colors."

Gianna, "The best thing about my map is the colors."

Ryan, "The best part of my map is the compass rose."

Caitlin, "The best part of my map is the compass rose."
Julianna, "The best thing about my map is the compass rose."

Giacomo, The best part of my map is the compass rose."

Amirah, "The best art about my map is the beautiful colors."
Isabella, "The best part about my map is the beautiful colors."

Afreen, "The best part of my map is the legend."

Dino, "The best thing about my map is that it is colorful."

Nicholas, "The best part of my map is the legend."

Shankar, "The best part of my map is the landmarks."

Cyrus, "The best thing about my map is my compass rose."

Varsha, "The best thing about my map is the legend."

Mehran, "The best part of my map is the compass rose."

Brenton, "The best part of my map is the legend."