Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Hour of Code

This week people all over the world are participating in the event, "Hour of Code."  Our third graders have started this coding experience and have been quite successful in their coding skills. We have 5 different coding activities happening in each 3rd grade classroom.  Activities include Mine-craft, Frozen, Star Wars, Hopscotch, and Block Island.  Please visit www.code.org for more information or to try out Hour of Code for yourself.
Here are some photos from Hour of Code at Francis Wyman.
216 loves Hour of Code 

Problem solving

Trying out the code

Look at the focus and concentration

Mrs. Zani's class trying out Minecraft

Monday, December 7, 2015

Happy Hanukkah!

On Friday afternoon, we took a small break to celebrate the first night of Hanukkah a little early.  On Sunday, some students will start celebrating Hanukkah with their families, so we thought it would be nice to celebrate here at school. Here are some photos from our celebration.
Our Read-Aloud

 Word Search

Dreidel Game


Spinning the Dreidel

Having so much fun!