Friday, January 30, 2015

February is almost here!

I hope everyone has survived Blizzard 2015!  We were able to stay warm and cozy at my house.  Here are some upcoming events and reminders for February 2015!
1.  Our field trip to see the play Pinocchio is next week.  We will go to see the play on Wednesday February 4th.  Please send your child to school with a lunch and separate snack.  Don't forget a drink too!  Students can dress up if they would like, but it is not required!
2.  The 100th day of school and Valentine's Day are quickly approaching.  Look for information in your child's folder for a Valentine's List and 100th day activities.
3.  Wee Deliver is starting at FW!  This is a 2 week letter writing campaign that allows students to practice letter writing and also allows the 3rd graders to be mail-people.  Our class address is 212 Snake Street.  Feel free to write letters to your children.  There will be a mailbox outside of the main office to put letters in.  Students can write letters at home to send to friends, family, or teachers.  We will be writing them in school as well.
4.  Snowy weather.  Please dress your child appropriately for this wintry weather.  We do try to get them outside whenever possible.  Students should have a warm coat, gloves, a hat, and possible boots and snow pants.  I know it is a lot of work to pack and bring, but they have tons of fun out there!
5.  February vacation is from February 14-22.  School will resume on Monday, February 23.
6.  Angelina's mother, Christina Chang, will be visiting the classroom after vacation to help us celebrate Chinese New Year.  If you would ever like to come in to teach us about your culture or holidays, please let me know. Thank you Christina Chang! We can't wait!
7.  Look for the Amphibian/Reptile project to be coming home soon!  Save a shoe box if you have one!

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