Monday, February 3, 2014

Amphibian & Reptile Project

It is time for our second grade science project! Your child will be bringing home his or her project this afternoon.  Please go over the project with your child and help them make a plan.
Step 1: Choosing an amphibian or reptile to study.  Be specific.  Not just a turtle, but a leatherback or snapping turtle. If you choose a lizard, you need to research which type you want to focus on (chameleon, iguana, leopard gecko.) It is our hope that by Friday February 7th, everyone will have chosen their animal to study.
Step 2: Start researching the animal.  They can use books, internet, magazines, etc.  They should be looking for the information on the Investigation Log, 2 interesting facts, and information about the animal's habitat.
Step 3: Find a shoe box, gift box, shipping box, or even tissue box.  This box will become a diorama of the animal, its habitat, and the interesting facts.
Step 4: Create the diorama using whatever you have.  Some students have used clay, legos, fish tank materials, construction paper, foam, etc.  It should just look like a 3D representation of the animal where it would normally live.  Have fun with it!
There is a rubric in the packet.  If they follow the rubric, they will do a great job!
Email me if you have any questions.
Good Luck and Have Fun!
Here are a couple examples:

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