Thursday, November 14, 2013


Comprehension strategy of the month:

A summary is a brief statement that contains all the important ideas of a text.  Summarizing is a great skill to have and a great strategy to practice at home.  It can be as easy as asking, "What was your book about?"

Helpful Hints
Can you retell the story? 
Tell me the story in your own words.
What happened in the beginning, middle, and the end?
Who were the characters?
What was the setting?
What was the problem and solution to the problem?
**Try to have your child retell the story in order of how it happened.  Students often want to tell you the end first, since it is the last thing they read.  Prompt them to start at the beginning!**

Non Fiction:
What was the text teaching you?
What was the main idea? 

List a few details about the main idea.

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