Here is list of upcoming dates and events.
Friday October 28th- Francis Wyman Pride Day- Wear your Falcon pride- Blue and White
Monday October 31st- Halloween Parade- 9:00am- Students can wear or bring their costume to school. Also, bring a flashlight and an extra snack for a celebration. We will read under the covers, do some crafts, and maybe watch a movie too.
Tuesday November 8th- Election Day- NO SCHOOL
Thursday November 10th- Teacher Professional Development- NO SCHOOL
Friday November 11th- Veteran's Day- NO SCHOOL
Monday November 14th- Scholastic Orders due (online code HKHLP)
Wednesday November 16th- Plymouth Plantation Field Trip- Look for permission slip soon!
Thursday November 17th -8:40-9:10 3rd Grade Chorus and Violin Thanksgiving Concert